ISBN 10:81-8404-941-1
ISBN 13: 978-81-8404-941-1

The book has been written to provide genuine domain knowledge to students, developers, technical leads and professionals who wish to learn Java, Server side, enterprise application development, using Java EE 6.
This book explores Java EE 6 and systematically illustrates its various specifications with plenty of real world examples with complete code spec and diagrams to make it easier to follow. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Enterprise developer, you should find this book, a valuable and accessible knowledge base for creating Enterprise solutions.
The Application Development section of this book helps re-enforce all the learning that took place throughout the book. This will definitely help professionals to quickly get started with building real-world enterprise applications using Java EE 6.

What You’ll Learn?

Reading this book, application developers will get an insight into how Enterprise/Web applications are structured, developed and executed using:
NetBeans 6.8
 as the IDE
Sun Glassfish Enterprise Server [v3] as the Application Server
The presentation logic of the application
Java Servlets
JavaServer Pages, JavaServer Facesas the Web Tier components
Facelets and JavaServer Pages as the ViewDefinition Languages for JSF The business logic of the application
nterprise JavaBeans as the Business Tier component
Session Beans – Stateless, Stateful, Singleton
Message Driven Beans
Interceptors to add functionality to already existing business methods
The persistent storage layer of the application

MySQL 5 as the EIS Tier
Java Persistence API [JPA] 2.0 as the Standard Interface
JPA is a Specification and a standard interface which requires an implementation i.e. an ORM tool such as Hibernate, TopLink, OpenJPA, EclipseLink or any other ORM that implements JPA. It defines the interface that an implementation has to implement.
Hibernate 3.5 as the Implementation [Object Relational Mapping tool]
A popular, powerful and a free, open source Object Relational Mapping library for the Java programming language which makes the application portable to all the SQL databases supported by Hibernate.
Struts 2.1 as the Application Development Framework An open source Java framework used for building Web applications based on the Servlet and JavaServer Pages [JSP] technologies.
Spring as the Application Development Framework An open source framework that helps address the complexity of enterprise application development.
Grails [Groovy Realtime Archive Internet Lookup] as the Web Development Framework A modern Web development framework [built on Spring and based on Groovy] that helps improve developer’s productivity by applying principles like Convention over Configuration.
Display Tags [A custom tags library]
An open source suite of custom tags that provide high-level web presentation patterns to work in an MVC model. The library provides a significant amount of functionality while still being easy to use.
Java API for XML Web Services [JAX-WS] as the technology for building web services
JavaMail as the API for dispatching emails
Calendar Based Timer Services as the Scheduler for creating CRON-like jobs
JNDI as the API to access a variety of naming and directory services
JTA as the API for managing transactions
This will also give an insight into:

  • Building Web Application
  • Using JSP, JPA 2.0, Ajax
  • Building Enterprise Applications 
  • Using JSP/Servlets 3.0, EJB 3.1 – Session Bean and Message driven Bean, JPA using EclipseLink, JMS
  • Using the NetBeans IDE to develop JPA based CRUD applications [using already existing database tables]
  • Using JSF 2.0 – Facelets and Managed Beans, EJB 3.1 – Session Beans, JPA 2.0
  • Data grid and paginations using Display Tags

Edition: First


Sample Chapter



Java EE
Introduction To Java and Java EE, Java EE 6 Architecture, Setting Up NetBeans IDE 6.8
Java Servlets 3.0
Introduction, Servlet API And Lifecycle, Working With Servlets, Working With Databases, Cookies, Session, Filters, Request Dispatcher, Annotations, HttpOnly Cookies, Event Handling, Internationalization
JavaServer Pages 2.1
Getting Started, Action Elements, Implicit Objects, Scope, Expression Language, JSTL
JavaServer Faces 2.0
Introduction, Getting Started, JSF Components, Managed Beans, Navigation, Converters and Validators, Facelets
Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1
Introduction, Getting Started, Session Beans – Stateless/Stateful/Singleton, Message Driven Beans, Interceptors, Asynchronous Invocation, Calendar Based Timer Services, No-Interface View
Java Persistence API 2.0
Persistence, Object/Relational Mapping And JPA, Introduction, Criteria API, CRUD Application
Hibernate 3.5, Spring, Grails [Groovy]
Introduction, Application Development
Struts 2.1
Framework, Core Components, Setting Up, Integration With Hibernate
Advanced Topics
Web Services, JavaMail, JNDI
Application Development Using Java EE 6
Subscriber Management, News Forum, Customer Database

  • Setup files for NetBeans IDE 6.8
  • MySQL 5.1
  • MySQL Connector/J 5.1
  • JDK 7
  • Struts 2.1
  • Hibernate 3.5
  • Source code for every example in this book